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Care Guides

Care Guides

Thank you for giving your time, attention and love to one of our rescue animals. It may have been a while since you looked after a puppy/kitten or this may be your first own dog or cat. Here are a few brief refreshers on basic puppy, kitten, dog and cat care. Please get in touch with any concerns or questions with your foster or adopted animal. We are happy to offer support!

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Puppy Care Guide

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Dog Care Guide

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Kitten Care Guide

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Cat Care Guide

Animal Welfare Law

Animal Welfare Law in Hong Kong

Changes proposed in Cap. 169 to improve Animal Welfare

Emergency Procedures & Veterinary Clinics

Emergency Procedures for Animals in Need in South Lantau.

List of Veterinary Clinics for informative purposes

Animal Ownership


Dog Licensing Overview.jpg

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電話號碼: (852) 6464 2908


根據《公眾衞生(動物及禽鳥)(動物售賣商)規例》第 139B 章第 5A(1) 條,TAILS 無須領取動物售賣商牌照,豁免號碼為 IND-00098。

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